Tuesday, November 17


I'm currently working through a bible study called Fireproof (named before the movie about marriage came out) with a group of guys, and I thought some of the stuff we're learning in that study would be good to put on here.

The study is basically built around looking at the lives of men whose stories are recorded in the Old Testament, and seeing what we can learn from them. There is a promise that God makes to His people in Isaiah 43. He tells to the people that He has redeemed that even when they walk through fire, they will not be burned. God tells us that redeemed people are Fireproof. The goal of this bible study is to determine what the life of a fireproof man looks like, and find out how to get that kind of life in ourselves.

Coming Soon

As we'll see, being fireproof definitely doesn't mean life won't be hard, but it does mean we will endure--and not just endure, but thrive and bring honor to the LORD. The next several posts will be taking a look at fireproof men, one by one, to search out the root of that strength in their lives.

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...only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Ephesians 4:29